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Many people drink coffee or alcohol or smoke without it (directly) leading to major problems in your daily life. But what if this does happen? Then we talk about addiction.

What is an addiction?

How to recognise?

When "want to", has turned into "need", you are dependent on it. This dependence can be divided into two types.


  1. Mentally, this means that you no longer feel comfortable without this substance or habit. You think about it a lot and it often influences your mood. 

  2. When you are physically addicted you get withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it. 

Causes and risks

The specific cause of addiction is personal in nature. Usually, physical or emotional things, such as stress, sadness, or anxiety is a reason to start using alcohol, drugs or play games. They tend to be used as 'painkillers'. You escape reality and your discomfort. This, however, is an illusion.


When you become too dependent, things can become obsessive and harmful. 


  • Make a list of all the positive and negative consequences of your addiction.

  • Keep track of how much time, money, energy, etc. you spend on your addiction.

  • Reduce something each day according to a set pattern.

  • Think about triggers that make you want to use again, replace them with positive habits.

More complicated than you think


Addiction is difficult to overcome. You can sign up for a free coaching program at Tactus, or find out about treatment options from a student psychologist at the Study Success Centre.

Do you want personal help to get better at dealing with addiction? Or do you want more information? You could use the options Saxion provides via Study Success Centre or you can get help via our student psychologists. Here you can find more information about it:

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